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Trowers & Hamlins Announces Launch of Innovation Trainee Seat
Interlaw’s partner firm in England & Wales, the UAE, Bahrain and Oman, Trowers & Hamlins, has introduced a new innovation seat that trainees will have the opportunity to complete as part of their training contract.
Trainees can spend six-months with the Innovation team, during which time they will actively participate in the implementation of Trowers' innovation strategy, develop technical skills through use of the firm's 'TrowersEvolve' products (a portfolio of legal tech and AI based solutions), and will champion innovation and legal technology across the firm.
Anna Browne, head of innovation and legal technology at Trowers, commented: “Innovation is one of the firm’s core values. The introduction of a trainee seat builds on Trowers' commitment to innovation through the investment of our lawyer’s time.”
In 2023, Trowers introduced “Innovation Hours”, an initiative which recognized lawyer’s time spent on innovation activities as part of chargeable hours and bonus contributions. Anna added; "This new seat will equip trainees with a deeper knowledge from the outset of their career of how innovation can benefit both Trowers and its clients."