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Interlaw Report Managing a Global Workforce
The Times Newspaper and HR Magazine have featured Interlaw’s Insight Report, Managing a Global Workforce. The report finds that multi-national employers routinely risk falling foul of long-established employment laws, with many employers failing to grasp the cultural and regulatory differences across the European continent.
Annette Knoth, head of Interlaw’s Employment, Labour and Pensions team, said: “The findings highlight the complexity of the regulatory landscape in just one continent. For employers with staff all over the world, these challenges are multiplied further. Considering the differing political, social and religious contexts across individual European countries, it is unsurprising that employers get tangled up by the cultural differences. With Brexit and more significant European elections looming, however, any move towards greater harmonisation across the entire continent looks less likely.”
Pictured: Annette Knoth, head of Interlaw’s Employment, Labour and Pensions team
To obtain a copy of the report, please email